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Designer Door Workshop






10:00am to 4:00pm

Contact me to arrange

Location to be determined

3 day workshop either done in person or in a zoom format

Complete a kitchen cabinet door that you can use in a reference to do a larger door at another time.

Day One
Prime our doors. Talk about design and layout. What color schemes will you be using. What types of paints can we use and other mediums. Can we do outside doors and is it different than inside, what are our options. How to seal our work of art. If time we can get sketching our design and start on the back ground.
Day Two
Getting our design down and finishing our backgrounds. Talk about what inspired you to take this class. Talk about what details we would like to do and how to accomplish that. Do we want any embellishments or we happy with this design. Basically paint day and trouble shooting.
Day Three
Paint day. Finishing up our doors, details, details, details…Sealing our doors when finished. Talk about bigger projects and what we would like to accomplish after class. Show off our fabulous doors.

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